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Liquid Kaya Refreshingly certified, spiced Morgan with fresh lime wedges topped up with ginger beer ready to begin happy moments. | KSh700.00 | |
Black Panther A touch of black Morgan, fresh lime wedges topped up with cola soda. Call it a night out. | KSh700.00 | |
Blue Supernova A refreshing Smirnoff spin served with a shot of inverted blue orange liqueur. | KSh750.00 | |
Mavericks Iced Tea Skky vodka, light rum and peach schnapps shaken with coconut and strawberry liqueurs topped with ginger soda. | KSh750.00 | |
Seductive Berries Baileys cream, skky vodka, strawberry liqueur blended with vanilla ice cream ready for cool moments. | KSh800.00 |